libres!! They are FREE!! *


22 September
Just a quick note to let you all know that, after 8 days of illegal arrest, our two colleagues were set free yesterday by the judge without any bail, and only with light conditions. It was what we expected from a just judge. The two are now back in Intag with their families, and more determined than ever to stop Ascendant.

The lawsuit against these two innocent campesinos continues, however, and during the next 90 days both sides have to present evidence to the District Attorney, who will then decide on the case before passing it to a criminal court if he decides there’s enough proof of culpability. The judge pretty much rules on the evidence presented to him by the District Attorney, but appeals are standard and could go all the way to the Supreme Court, though I personally believe the case will be thrown out at the DA level.

One of our lawyers told me yesterday that there is no bail for kidnapping, which signals that the judge doubted the story he was given by company employees. And,,, yes, these are the same two whom Davis labelled kidnappers on Ascendant’s Sept 18th news release and who he said were in jail awaiting sentencing. I talked to some first-class lawyers here and they are convinced there’s grounds for a libel suit in the US for this.

Keep tuned. Soon we’ll have some video images of the events of the past week in Junin

And, the resistance goes on.

Later, some details on the agressive anti/decoin campaign unleashed by Ascendant


22 Septiembre
En la mañana del 21,los dos campesinos injustamente encarcelados desde el 13 de septiembre fueron puestos en libertad, sin fianza, y con solo unas leves condiciones. En estos momentos se encuentran en Intag con sus familiares, y más decididos que nunca de frenar a Ascendant. Uno de nuestros abogados señaló que en Ecuador no existe fianza para secuestro, lo que señala que el juez duda la versión de los empleados de la empresa.

Estos dos campesinos, por si acaso, son los mismitos que el presidente de la empresa de Ascendant acusó de ser secuestradores, en el comunicado de prensa de la empresa del 18 de septiembre, y que estaban encarcelados esperando sentencia.

El juicio continua, sin embargo, y durante los próximos 90 días ambas partes presentará pruebas a la Fiscal, quien determinará si el caso merece ir a la corte, en caso que se determine que existen suficientes pruebas de culpabilidad. El juez puede o bien sentenciar o rechazar el caso, pero de todas maneras apelaciones son el orden del día y puede llegar hasta la corte suprema, aunque personalmente pienso que la Fiscalía rechazará el juicio.

Sigan chequeando nuestra página- próximamente tendremos un video de los eventos en Junin



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