8 Februrary, update


resumen en español abajo

New arrest warrant
The Interamerican Human Rights Commission
and more

Today we confirmed that the district attorney from hell convinced a judge in quito to issue a new arrest warrant against me for the gun charges. The way we found out was due to strangers hanging around the pucará and Santa Rosa area, and a pick-up truck cruising the highway closest to the farm. On calling our lawyer, Ramiro Román, he confirmed the arrest warrant (though this time without a search warrant). Roman went to see the judge and it turns out it´s a different judge from the one that issued the order- and he said he does not have jurisdiction, and will send it to Imbabura province. which, on the one hand, means that the arrest warrant may be annulled soon, but on the other, that the whole procedure starts all over again in imbabura. Until it´s all sorted out, I will remain in hiding (technincally i can be picked up and held until all the paperwork is completed to annul the arrest warrant)

Interamerican Human Rights commission
March 2nd the Interamerican Human Rights Commission will receive a delegation from Ecuador to hear about human rights abuses linked to extractive industrial projects- petro and mining. We are trying to get someone from Intag to go to the one hour audience in order to apply a bit more pressure to the government.

ON THE GROUND / Increase in intimidation
The police is still hanging around JUNIN, but it doesn´t look like the government will take the chance to evict ascendant´s workers from the company´s lands. There is an urgent need for funds so the community can continue to feed the 25 or so police staying at the cabins, in case any of you want to contribute.

Police presence is important; two days ago, Polibio Perez reported that dozens of shots were fired over his house and that someone with a gun came to his house to threaten him. Likewise, another activist from the Cerro Pelado area denounced that was threatened by company employees three days ago.

There have been a couple of meetings with Ministry of Energy and Mines officials- one who said that Ascendant has until the end of March to present the revised Environmental Impact Statement- then they will decide. Decide what? In light of so many illegalities, will the center their decision on the scientific information of the Study which is so flawed to be ridiculous??

Legal manouvers- on the other hand, about 3 weeks ago polibio perez presented a legal recourse to the ministry of energy and mines requesting the mining concessions be annulled because they were given out violating Ecuador´s constitution. The minister has 60 days to decide.

We are also noticing a tremendous amount of pressure being applied to the Ministry of Energy and Mines- we may need your help to counter this unhealthy state of affairs by writing letters soon.



HOY DESCUBRIMOS que carlos zorrilla tenia otra orden de prision por el asunto de la arma en su contra- los abogados estan gestionando su nulidad y se espera una respuesta pronto-

en intag, la situacion continua tensa, con trabajadores en terrenos que la empresa reclama como propias, y la policia no tiene ordenes de desalojarlos- la comunidad esta pidiendo apoyo para seguir alimentando a la policia- su presencia es importante, pues ayer polibio perez denunció que se efectuaron varios disparos sobre su casa, y que una persona fue a su casa con pistola en mano para amenazarle.. en cerro pelado, el presidente de la comunidad denunció a las autoridades que empleados de la empresa tambien le amenazaron de muerte.

Y, Eel 2 de Marzo, varios inteños viajaran a washington para denunciarle a la comision interamericana de dd humanos sobre los atropellos a los derechos relacionados al proyecto minero-


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