Copper Mesa Mining Corp / Ascendant Copper still distorting facts


One thing is clear: Asscendant’s name change hasn’t affected the distortion of facts.

Below is a couple of excerpts from their brand new web page

Property claims… the company claims it owns the JUNIN mining concessions, but does not tell the public or potential investors that the Ecuadorian Government annulled 88% of the country’s mining concessions, and that the company had to abandon the Intag area in early 2008

2 : Ascendant’s short-term objective is to gain access to the Junin property for commencement of exploration

The truth is that Ascendant Coppper / Copper Mesa Mining Corp doesn’t even have an Environmental Impact Study approved. The last one turned in to the government was flatly rejected. THIS WAS IN 2006. They haven’t submitted another one. Want to guess why?

The company has the following amusing heading :
signed exploration agreement with communities in 2006
It would be great if the company would publish the alleged document. If they are referring to one signed in 2006 by an organization completely discredited by local authorities, not representative of anyone or anything, and the same organization which was offered 1 million per year if Ascendant got the go-ahead for exploration- then they are grasping at straws in the wind. Said document was annulled by the local government, and there is no agreement with the communities around the mining site. There is only rejection. And, if this wasn’t enough, all local governments are continuing their rejection of mining in the area.

How much Copper really? What is really there? The company claims that its JUNIN concessions hold about 3-4 times more copper and Molybdenum , than what was INFERRED by a Mitsubishi subsidiary in the early 1990’s after years of drilling (the last drilling taking place in JUNIN was in 1996). In 2007 Micon international, the outfit that created the higher estimate for Ascendant, said that it was unable to confirm its inferred amount. In the meantime, Ascendant has been telling the public and regulators that it has spent millions of dollars in exploration costs, even though Ascendant has not explored anything at all in its Junin mining concessions.

Why, if the “new” company is serious about working in Ecuador and being transparent with its investors, doesn’t inform them on their web site that their titles are in serious trouble, that they in fact, have spent money on other things but exploration, that they lost 17 of their properties in and around the JUNIN area, and that their much higher inferred estimate of the mineral deposit may be incorrect? Why do they not update their site and the information and start reporting real facts? The only conclusion must be that though the name changed, everything else remains the same.

More next week on a very important event in Canada.


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